News A Vision for a Digitally Enabled Diabetes Care in Europe Newsletter

Ushering in a new era of collaboration: Prioritising Digitally Enabled Diabetes Care in Europe

Posted on 04.07.2024

The Diabetes Sector Group of MedTech Europe is dedicated to improving the quality and accessibility of diabetes care for the 55 million people living with the condition across Europe, through improved and equitable access to digitally enabled healthcare solutions for individuals with diabetes.  

After the recent European elections, the Sector Group is pleased to see that many Members of the European Parliament with a high interest in health and diabetes were re-elected for another mandate, which carries the promise of seeing this condition, people living with it and the challenges they face considered at the political level. In this time of political shake-up, the Group is enthusiastic to work with the whole diabetes community – involving partners, decision-makers and people living with diabetes – to enhance equal access to quality diabetes care for all in Europe.  

Looking forward, the Group is also eager to engage with the Hungarian EU Presidency, which has already shown promising signs towards increasing the focus on Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases. The High-Level Conference on Cardiovascular Health, held yesterday and today in Budapest, will notably discuss the interlinkages between diabetes and CVDs and show the need to act in a comprehensive manner to efficiently address cardiovascular diseases. Beyond this Conference, the Diabetes Sector Group calls on the Hungarian Presidency and all EU policymakers to work together to enable sound policy frameworks to improve treatment and care for diabetes in Europe and trusts that the diabetes community will join forces in that effort.  

For more information on the work of the MedTech Europe Diabetes Group, please visit our website or contact Jessica Imbert, Director External Affairs.