IHE profiles for personal device interoperability
2021-01-13 - 2021-01-13
Personal medical devices help patients and citizens keep track of their health, monitor and improve their lifestyles, and manage chronic and other conditions. If they are Interoperable, they can send health data to healthcare professionals, to formal and informal carers, and to electronic health records, empowering remote monitoring solutions, delivery of care over distance, and advanced data analytics and AI. Critical to interoperability is the commitment to open standards and specifications that help overcome the persistent data silos and realise the transformation of health and care.
With the 2019 PCHAlliance (Continua) and IHE announcement of their collaboration to simplify the collection of personal health data into health record systems, IHE has emerged as the critical player in personal device interoperability. MedTech Europe, the European trade association for the medical technology industry, will organise a webinar on 13 January 2021, 15.00-16.30 CET, to explore how the medical technology industry can access IHE knowhow, and contribute to the IHE community to advance patient care.
The agenda:
- Welcome
Michael Strübin, MedTech Europe
Alexander Ihls, IHE International - Interoperability: the bigger picture
Petra Wilson, HIMSS - The impact of the PCHAlliance/Continua collaboration with IHE and HIMSS
Charles Parisot, IHE Europe - Profiles for medical devices, testing and conformity assessment, new directions
Thom Erickson, HIMSS - Q&A
Content and target audience
The webinar will cover:
- Introduction to IHE in the interoperability ecosystem
- Future of Continua Design Guidelines
- Profiles for medical devices, testing and conformity assessment
The webinar is primarily for executives and professionals in the medical technology industry including software engineers, product developers, business leaders working on connected digital devices for citizens and patients. Other interested parties (policymakers, stakeholders) are welcome.
The webinar is free. It will be recorded. Please note the legal notice below.
Deadline for registrations is Tuesday, 13 January 2021, at 10.00 CET.
Please block the time and date in your calendar. After the registration deadline, on 13 January 2021, you will receive an Outlook invitation with dial-in instructions in the afternoon of 13 January 2021.
The event will be held on MedTech Europe’s Microsoft Teams platform.
For more questions please contact [email protected].
The webinar is supported by HIMSS and IHE Europe.
Recording disclaimer: Please note that this webinar will be recorded. The recording may be used by MedTech Europe and other parties for promotion on the MedTech Europe website(s) and/or other websites, inter alia, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn. For further information on how those third-party sites process personal data, please refer to their respective Privacy Policies. If you do not wish to be recorded, please abstain from making any comments during the webinar. For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact MedTech Europe. For more information on how MedTech Europe is processing personal data, please review MedTech Europe’s privacy policy.