The 2020 TechMed Event: Improving healthcare by innovative technology
2020-10-28 - 2020-10-28
Healthcare professionals are more than ever searching for contacts within the MedTech community to gain and share knowledge and to connect with other experts. In these changing times, opportunities, challenges, new insights, and business partnerships lie ahead. This early fall (August to October), The 2020 TechMed Event offers various inspiring online knowledge and matchmaking events in which physicians, researchers, and companies from the MedTech Ecosystem come together. Together they will make a decisive step towards a new vision. Are innovative personalized technologies emerging that improve the future of healthcare?
Get inspired and meet the best of the worlds of Science & Business in the MedTech Community!
The program
While we can’t meet in person this fall, you can still enjoy our awesome online program. We have developed a brand-new event calendar with over 60 sessions taking place from August to October 2020. You can follow these events within 5 areas of interest (AI & Intelligent Imaging, Personalized eHealth, Health Robotics, Nano Bio Tech and Innovation meets Industry) that the TechMed Centre and the World Trade Center Twente are committed to. With these themes you can personalize your online experience. Check for more information, scheduled sessions and registration.
Why should you attend?
- Explore the latest MedTech updates by following the possible 60+ sessions within the 5 areas of interest to personalize your program, with top-notch keynote talks, Meet the Experts, TechMed Table discussions, Virtual guided Tours and Demos, interactive Workshops, Pitches and more. View the confirmed speakers.
- e-Meet the MedTech community and expand your network. Find new business or research partners. We expect: 15+ countries, 150+ companies, 1500 B2B one-to-one meetings and more than 400 delegates. Check the network page.
- A virtual experience between August to October 2020, personalize your program by attending your favorite sessions:
- 27 August: Kick-off meeting. Including the highlight per area of interest, inspiring talks and launching the TechMed Event platform (get access to the exclusive platform and connect with the community)
- August – October: Pre-sessions. Weekly sessions (talks, webinars, Q&A and more) within the 5 areas of interest.
- 28 October: The congress. Top-notch Keynote talks about the future of MedTech, Business meets Science: 5 parallel sessions with talks and discussions and the Innovation show: The impact of MedTech on our wellbeing: innovative solutions for healthcare challenges with economic potential and more.
- 29 October: B2B Matchmaking Meetings, with an exclusive focus on the medical devices supply chain. Identify your match at our platform prior to the event, request meetings with relevant contacts and e-meet them in a one-2-one meeting.