1st European Value-Based Procurement Conference – hear directly from the buyers
Posted on 04.11.2019
The 1st European Value-Based Procurement Conference A new paradigm in Health Care will be held on 12 December 2019 at The Hotel in Brussels.
What’s in it for me?
Organised by the Value-Based Procurement Community of Practice (VBP CoP) and supported by EHPPA, EUREGHA and MedTech Europe, this conference will highlight the latest developments to incorporate “value” in decision making and the role of value-based procurement to integrate the value from the perspectives of the different healthcare stakeholders. The practical implementation, the latest cases of value-based procurement practices and the ways forward to partner for patient-centric, quality and sustainable health care will also be discussed by the panelists.
Hear practical testimonials from the procurers’ community:
• François Capitain, Resah, France
• Gunnar Goblirsch, Consultant, former Head Purchasing at Karolinska (Sweden)
• Brian Mangan, SCCL, NHS (UK)
• Eva de Boer, Erasmus Medisch Centrum (Netherlands)
• Maarten Timmermann, Erasmus Medisch Centrum (Netherlands)
• Joanne Liddle, NHS Wales (UK)
• Karsten Kirkegaard, Region Syddenmark (Denmark)
• Per Wagner Kristensen, Region Syddanmark (Denmark)
• Per-Marthin Karlsen, Sykehusinkjopp (Norway)
• Stefan Krojer, Zukunft Krankenhaus-Einkauf (Germany)
Stakeholders experienced or interested in public procurement are welcome to register at www.vbpconference.eu.