Embracing digital transformation in diabetes management across Europe
Posted on 05.09.2024
While most of Brussels has been quiet over the summer, the Diabetes Sector Group of MedTech Europe has achieved a significant milestone in its work to improve the recognition of the challenges for people with diabetes to access digitally enabled care, with the finalisation of its Access Paper and getting ready for a collaborative launch event in November.
The Access Paper presents the benefits of digitally enabled care and dives into the barriers for people living with type 2 diabetes in accessing it. Developed with contributions from experts – including patients, clinicians, researchers, regulatory experts, and politicians – this Paper also outlines recommendations for action for the whole of the diabetes community at European and national levels. Together with the Diabetes community, the Sector Group is preparing to launch the report on 12 November 2024, ahead of this year’s World Diabetes Day. More information will be provided on this event in the upcoming weeks.
In the second half of the year, the Sector Group is enthusiastic about working with the Hungarian Presidency of the EU, which has already demonstrated a commitment to prioritising Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases. Following a productive conference on Cardiovascular Health in July, which explored the connections between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and emphasised the necessity to tackle CVDs in a comprehensive approach, the Diabetes Sector Group urges the Hungarian Presidency and all policymakers to further advance on this path and establish robust policy frameworks to improve diabetes treatment and care across Europe.
For more information on the work of the MedTech Europe Diabetes Sector Group, please visit our website or get in touch with Jessica Imbert.