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Enabling effective secondary use of health data in Europe: recommendations for the EHDS

Posted on 15.06.2023

In light of recent discussions on the proposed European Health Data Space (EHDS), MedTech Europe has joined 31 healthcare stakeholders in a joint statement calling co-legislators to ensure the effective secondary use of health data in this new framework.

The joint statement outlines the benefits of maintaining the approach taken in the Commission’s original legislative proposal from May 2022 as it strikes a sensible balance between protection of personal data while enabling the use of data for research and innovation to create tangible benefits for patients and citizens.

Furthermore, it sets out several key recommendations to ensure an effective opt-out mechanism in the case that the proposals for including a European opt-out mechanism for secondary use in the EHDS moves forward in the negotiations. Read the joint statement here.

For more information, please contact Verena Thaler, Manager Digital Health.