Enhancing value in healthcare: MEAT Value-Based procurement for medtech
Posted on 07.04.2016
A selected group of procurement officials and healthcare actors from the public and private sectors with an interest in the procurement of medical technologies gathered in Vienna on 22-23 March 2016 for the second leaders’ interactive workshop on MEAT value-based procurement: A key foundation for value-based healthcare. The meeting was designed to offer a platform for discussion and defining concrete next steps on MEAT procurement in healthcare in Europe, in line with the new EU public procurement directive. More particularly the event aimed at looking into the MEAT Value-Based Procurement framework and practical tool, in order to help make MEAT value based procurement a reality in Europe.
25 delegates from 15 countries, together with 15 National Associations and 11 Companies attending the meeting, agreed on the need to reimagine procurement and unleash its full potential as a driver of value-based healthcare. Several case studies were shared to highlight the merits of using criteria other than price when evaluating medical technologies. By choosing the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) rather than the cheapest products, decision-makers can deliver outcomes that matter to patients and make the best economic choices and help make healthcare systems more sustainable.
The event also saw the launch of the tool developed as part of the MEAT Value-Based Procurement for medtech project, an initiative led by MedTech Europe, the Boston Consulting Group and procurement experts from across Europe. The launch coincides with the build-up of a community of practice which has already given feedback on the developed framework and tool, which will be further tested in pilot projects in several countries across Europe.
The meeting also tackled the ongoing initiatives aimed at enhancing the cooperation of the medtech industry and procurement official towards a jointly built MEAT value based procurement. This cooperation will form the cornerstone of the future implementation plan which will make the MEAT value-based procurement a reality in practice.
A report of the event will be available shortly.
For more information, please contact Sophie Koettlitz at [email protected].