Extended version of Innovative Health Initiative video now available
Posted on 13.07.2023
The extended version (8 minutes) of the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) informational video is now available here.
The video delves deeper into detail on the participation of medical technology companies in the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI). It explores key questions medical technology companies may have about getting involved, such as the benefits of joining IHI projects, who can join, its importance, and how to take the first steps.
The video features extended commentary with industry experts like Oliver Bisazza (CEO MedTech Europe), Nathalie Virag (Distinguished Scientist Medtronic), Casper Garos (Head of Public Private Partnerships Europe, Philips), Philippe Cleuziat (Sr Director, bioMerieux), who believe in the strength of the IHI to build a better future for healthcare.
The video is also available with French, Italian, Spanish, and German subtitles. A teaser is also available in the same languages.
For more information, please contact Patrick Boisseau, Director General Industry Strategic Initiatives.