Global MedTech Compliance Conference: special rates available for the SME Bootcamp
Posted on 07.04.2016
The Global MedTech Compliance Conference (GMTCC) will be held from 24 to 26 May 2016 at the Convention Center of Dublin (CCD), Ireland.
This year, the first day of the conference will be specifically dedicated to training SMEs on the value of compliance: “Navigating Global MedTech Compliance – as a small company”. Key issues will be addressed through panel sessions and concrete case studies:
- Top global compliance risks for SMEs
- Organizing a compliance program to support your SME company as it evolves
- Value of compliance to investors
- Managing third-party distributor risks
- Breakout sessions on real-life case studies
This Bootcamp for SMEs aims at educating top leaders as well as Compliance teams in small companies on understanding, developing and promoting the importance of ethics and compliance in the rapidly changing global Medtech environment.
Specific discount rates are available for SMEs – also granting access to the rest of the conference. Register now.
For more information on the GMTCC programme, confirmed speakers, rates and much more, regularly visit the website at We encourage you to tweet using the hashtag #GMTCC!