News International Newsletter

IMDRF meeting in Berlin – Save the date: 25-26 September 2023

Posted on 15.06.2023

The European Commission is preparing the 24th meeting of the Management Committee (MC) of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF): the event will take place in Berlin (Germany) in September 2023.

The public Stakeholder Forum will take place on 26 September and will feature updates from IMDRF MC members, Official Observers, and stakeholders. Speakers will provide updates on the latest regulatory trends in their jurisdictions as well as the IMDRF Working Groups they are chairing. The agenda is now available here.

The IMDRF was established in October 2011 and is a forum for medical device regulators from different jurisdictions who have agreed to work together to advance international regulatory harmonisation and convergence in the field of medical devices. Its MC is chaired in 2023 by the European Union.

For more information, please contact Dario Belluomini, Manager International Affairs.