IMDRF meeting in Brussels
Posted on 06.04.2023
Under the EU Chairmanship of the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), Brussels hosted the 23rd meeting of the IMDRF Management Committee (MC).
The Joint IMDRF Stakeholder Workshop – DITTA/GMTA on 27 March focused on post-market related issues faced in the medical device field including burning topics like real-world evidence, vigilance and safety notices and post-market considerations for software and artificial intelligence.
On 28 March, MedTech Europe delivered a presentation on behalf of the Global Medical Technology Alliance (GMTA) at the Stakeholder Open Forum underscoring how international regulatory convergence and reliance advance smart regulation and underpin an efficient, resilient, and sustainable regulatory framework for medical devices.
The 24th meeting of the IMDRF MC will take place in Berlin in September 2023.
Information about the event and slide decks available here.