Impact of Brexit on Healthcare delivery in the European Union: MedTech Europe urges the Commission to take action
Posted on 08.03.2019
As the situation stands today, the industry may not be able to ensure continuous delivery of critical medical supplies to healthcare systems across the European Union.
For the benefit of patients, MedTech Europe calls upon the Commission to take action to ensure the continued supply of medical devices to the EU-27, including considering temporary coordinated European contingency measures to allow patients in the EU continued access to devices required for essential therapies, and to avoid shortages in the supply of blood and blood products (shortage of tests to ensure the safety of the blood supply), emergency surgery and care (shortage of sutures, reconstructive orthopaedic devices, emergency interventions in ophthalmology) and other healthcare interventions.
Download both letters below.
- Open letter on the Impact of the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU on Healthcare delivery in the European Union - Commissioner Andriukaitis - 07 March 2019
- Open letter on the Impact of the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU on Healthcare delivery in the European Union - Commissioner Bienkowska - 06 March 2019