MedTech Europe commemorates WAAW-reiterates commitment in tackling global threat of AMR/HAIs
Posted on 04.12.2019
MedTech Europe has launched a successful online communications campaign to commemorate WHO’s World Antibiotic Awareness Week (18-24 November 2019). Equally we strived to raise awareness of our industry’s work throughout the patient pathway to prevent, detect and control antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and healthcare associated infections (HAIs) via rapid diagnostic tests and medical technology solutions. Equally, we published a blog crafted by Goran Ribaric, Director, Regional Safety Officer EMEA J&J Medical Devices, Co-Chair of the AMR/HAI Prevention and Control Working Group regarding Checklist culture.
We have also participated in the European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD) organised by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on 18th November. ECDC published amongst others an important survey on “Survey of healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on antibiotics, antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in the EU/EEA”. The participants highlighted their views on following the ‘One health’ approach in combating AMR.
MedTech Europe has reiterated its resolve to continue working with all the relevant stakeholders from the public, civil society and industry sectors without silos to tackle the global threat. Towards this purpose, MedTech Europe has participated in the co-creation of a Roadmap for action on AMR as part of the AMR Stakeholder Network under the auspices of the European Commission’s Health Policy Platform. Prevention remains as a priority strategy emphasizing that the use of diagnostics can avoid unnecessary antimicrobial use by optimising diagnoses.
MedTech Europe and its members will continue to strive so that the battle against AMR and HAIs remains a political priority for the new European Commission and the new European Parliament in this year of institutional change.
Follow our work on AMR by checking our dedicated website .
Read our latest AMR/HAI related blog by checking our blog.
For more information you can contact Emma Kollatou: [email protected]