Statement of Support from the MedTech Europe Diabetes Sector Group on the European Parliament Diabetes Resolution
Posted on 23.11.2022
The MedTech Europe Diabetes Sector Group welcomes today’s adoption of a ‘Resolution on prevention, management and better care of diabetes in the EU’ by the European Parliament, and the much-needed political attention it puts on the growing challenge of diabetes in Europe.
Diabetes is often called a ‘silent pandemic’. It is one of the major health challenges of our generation, affecting sixty million people in Europe alone – equivalent to the population of Italy. If not effectively managed, diabetes leads to serious life-threatening health complications, including cardiovascular events, blindness, amputations, and kidney failure. Taking care of diabetes places enormous demands on people living with the condition, as well as on healthcare professionals and health systems.
As today’s EP resolution indicates, tackling the challenge of diabetes in Europe requires a multipronged approach – one that includes more effective prevention, diagnosis, self-management, and care for the millions of Europeans at risk of or already living with diabetes. The Diabetes Sector Group in MedTech Europe particularly supports the call for a patient-centred digital transformation that would allow for addressing diabetes more effectively, and the important role that digitally enabled self-management technologies such as glucose monitoring and insulin delivery systems play within it. Political will, like that expressed by the European Parliament, plays a crucial role in driving meaningful action to support people living with diabetes and their care teams, as well as the sustainability of healthcare systems.
The Diabetes Sector Group stands ready to support in achieving the goals of the EP resolution on diabetes.
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