Value of Innovation and Partnership Model: a proposal to facilitate the uptake of medical technology innovations
Posted on 05.05.2021
In March 2021, Professor Lieven Annemans (Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Ghent University) launched his opinion paper, introducing the ‘value of innovation and partnership model’ (VIP-model), to facilitate the adoption and uptake of medical technology innovations.
As indicated by Prof. Lieven Annemans, the implementation of the VIP-model would facilitate the adoption and uptake of medical technology innovations by building partnership and dialogue among all relevant actors in the health system, from health authorities, payers, care providers to the medical technology industry.
Question is, how to face challenges for the VIP-model’s implementation? Representatives of the medical technology industry, health regional authorities and academia, addressed this question during a dedicated session at The MedTech Forum.
Conclusion was that the VIP-model provides a solid framework to harmonise processes and criteria within the EU for broadly introducing medical technology innovation in care delivery. Applying a partnership approach, it seeks to provide the right incentive structure which can ensure value-based investments in healthcare and timely access to innovation for the benefit of citizens, healthcare systems and society.
For further questions, please contact Isabella Notarangelo, Manager Value & Innovation-based Access.