Implementing the New MD and IVD Regulations: Industry Calls for Solutions to Ensure Continuity of Care to Patients
The medical technology industry has significant concerns about the state of implementation of the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) and the new In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR), which apply from May 2020 and May 2022 respectively.
The industry is calling urgently on the European Commission, the European Parliament and all EU Member States to provide solutions that will rapidly install the functionality of the new regulatory systems and thereby safeguard the continued availability of life-saving and life-transforming medical technology products.
Posted on 26.07.2018

- MTE_PolicyPaper_MDRIVDRImplementationCallforSolutions_July2018.pdf
- DE_MTE_PolicyPaper_MDRIVDRImplementationCallforSolutions_July2018.pdf
- ES_MTE_PolicyPaper_MDRIVDRImplementationCallforSolutions_July2018.pdf
- FR_MTE_PolicyPaper_MDRIVDRImplementationCallforSolutions_July2018.pdf
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