Reflection Paper: Lessons Learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Recommendations on Purchasing Models
Medical equipment is purchased through procurement instruments. Procurement mechanisms during the COVID-19 pandemic have been substantially stressed because of the abrupt increase in demand, significant supply chain and logistic issues, and the imperative need to supply the needed medical technologies.
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, procurers across Europe have leveraged all procurement mechanisms at their disposal, at all levels, and often in parallel – local, regional, national. Furthermore, the EU has also acted at European level through the health crisis-related Joint Procurement Agreement (JPA). A general lesson learnt from this situation is the strong need for better coordination of all procurement actions across Europe and within Member States. Procurement should be initiated and led where the specific demands can be defined. The EU can have a strong role in coordinating and complementing procurement processes in times of public health emergencies across Europe.
Procurement issues came on top of supply chain and logistic issues in limiting the availability of the needed medical technologies to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure a continuum of care for all disease areas.
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Posted on 02.02.2021