The European Medical Technology in Figures

Trade Last update 18.07.2024

Key Facts

€11 billion

trade surplus in 2023

US, China, Japan and Mexico

are the main European medical device trade partners

Europe has a positive medical devices trade balance of 11 billion EUR in 20231.  The main European medical device trade partners remain the same as in previous years: the US, China, Japan and Mexico.

The medical devices trade balance of individual countries varies across Europe. Similarly to previous years the international trade balance indicator, including European intra-community trade, is highest in Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Switzerland.

Top 10 export destinations of the European medical devices market (in %) - 2023 1

Top 10 import suppliers to the European medical devices market (in %) - 2023 1

Export and import of medical devices by country, including intra-community trade (million €) - 2023 1

Medical devices trade balance by country, including intra-community trade (million €) - 2023 1


  1. MedTech Europe calculation based on Trade Map, International Trade Centre data retrieved on April 2024.