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Market Data In Vitro Diagnostics

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Reliable market data are indispensable for the highly innovative in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry. A timely analysis of the challenges and opportunities facing the sector can be the difference between market success and failure.

MedTech Europe and its Market Research Committee, which includes delegates from multiple IVD companies, have built its IVD-related activities on three pillars:

  1. Market trackers that provide a comprehensive overview of the latest market trends: Global Diagnostic Market Statistics (GDMS) and Management Information System (MIS).
  2. Global IVD Products Classification (GIVD).
  3. European IVD Market Statistics Report: MedTech Europe publishes an annual summary of aggregated sales in the IVD market – including macroeconomic and healthcare expenditure data – which gives a succinct overview of market developments for all EU Member States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

In Vitro Diagnostics Market Trackers

The medical diagnostics sector is dynamic, innovative, and fundamentally critical for the healthcare ecosystem. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the industry to respond to a global crisis at an unprecedented pace with astonishing speed. Leaders and companies involved in IVD manufacturing have an important role in maintaining the excellence and competitiveness of the sector, remaining abreast of the trends and threats that will impact their business environment in the future. MedTech Europe follows the development of the European IVD market closely and has extensive expertise in delivering insightful market intelligence within industry.

As part of its service to members, MedTech Europe has developed two unique Market Trackers that offer a comprehensive overview of the latest trends. Global Diagnostic Market Statistics (GDMS, formerly EDMS) and the Management Information System (MIS). Based on the reporting of invoiced sales coming directly from companies, this objective information serves as a trusted source for decision-making in the IVD industry.

The MIS and GDMS reports are not for sale; access is only available to companies who contribute data.

“The best possible source for actual market insight: market size, trends and companies’ positions.”


Global Diagnostic Market Statistics (GDMS)

Participating companies submit their data based on the parameter level of the Global IVD classification, i.e. the highest level of detail. Currently, 14 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and the UK), Canada and the US participate in the programme.

Reports are published quarterly for most countries, and twice a year for the remaining countries, providing very detailed insights on market size, market share and market evolution. The consolidated reports are compiled using confidential data from more than 80 companies. This covers in excess of 85% of the IVD market in major European countries and makes the GDMS an invaluable tool for marketing departments.

More information on the GDMS is available here.

Management Information System (MIS)

The MIS report is compiled from confidential company data. In contrast to the GDMS, the MIS report is published monthly and provides data with less granularity. This makes the programme ideal for senior business leaders. It includes more than 125 product groups reported according to the GIVD. Currently, members of the 20 participating companies in the MIS have access to market size, trends, and evolution data for a total of more than 80 countries across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Asia Pacific, and South and North America.

More information on the MIS is available here.

Global IVD Classification (GIVD)

Product classification is an important part of ensuring that the IVD industry runs effectively, particularly in multiple markets. A classification scheme assigns a specific code to each product type or class, allowing the rapid identification of the product without the need for local language translation. In fact, the brand name of the product is not required.

MedTech Europe has created a specific classification scheme for IVDs, the Global IVD (GIVD) classification (previously known as EDMS classification). It is a numerical coding system, which has been developed for, to support the collection and analysis of market statistics.

With the market statistics programmes expanding beyond Europe, the classification has now become global in its scope. For the MIS and the GDMS, IVD companies report their sales according to the GIVD classification. The GIVD classification is updated on a yearly basis according to market needs and changes.

The latest version of the GIVD classification can be found here.

European IVD Market Statistics Report

MedTech Europe publishes an annual summary of aggregated sales in the IVD market – including macroeconomic and healthcare expenditure data – which gives a succinct overview of market developments for all EU Member States and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

This one-of-a-kind dataset offers a real-world overview of today’s IVD market in Europe. The report is a peerless publication and has become a must-read for decision-makers across the industry.

Yearly reports on European IVD market statistics can be found here.

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