The Innovative Health Initiative webinar for hurry SMEs
Posted on 06.04.2022
R&D intensive Small & Medium size Enterprises – SMEs – are an essential component of the medtech innovation ecosystem. The medtech SMEs represent the highest proportion of SMEs rewarded by the European Innovation Council (source: EIC). But start-ups and SMEs are often very busy, with limited human resources dedicated to collecting information about and joining collaborative projects with external partners like large companies or other stakeholders. As part of its industrial strategy, the European Commission is also encouraging the participation of SMEs in its funding programme for Research and Innovation.
MedTech Europe is organising the first webinar dedicated solely to SMEs to bridge the information gap and encourage SMEs, “members of our National Association members”. The 50+ National Associations members of MedTech Europe will invite their SME members to join this 1-hour webinar on the Innovative Health Initiative that will take place on 17th May 2022 from 16h00 to 17h00 CET. It will focus on the rules for participation and the benefits for SMEs in joining this programme and getting the best return on their investment.
If this first webinar is successful, new ones will be offered on the central EU policies.
Please get in touch with Patrick Boisseau, Director General, Strategic Initiatives, for more information.