News FP10

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda fixes priorities for the Innovative Health Initiative

Posted on 01.07.2021

The EU has world-leading healthcare systems and is strong in biomedical science but underperforms when it comes to translating research results into health products, services, and prevention strategies. To improve translation, the European Commission and the health industries have drafted a plan for the new Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) partnership that is due to launch later this year.

Jointly prepared by the IHI Joint Undertaking member industry associations from the pharma and medtech sectors and the European Commission services, the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of IHI has been publicly released on 21 June 2021.

IHI aims to enable the cross-sectoral integration of technologies, know-how, products, services and workflows for people-centred health care. Its ambition is to support the delivery of timely and well-substantiated prevention, diagnosis and treatment. The partnership aims to help keep EU citizens in good health, decrease disease burden for patients, care givers and health care professionals. It will contribute to the sustainability and resilience of health care systems, to the competitiveness of health industries and to the EU technological strategic autonomy.

The IHI JU aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

  1. contribute towards a better understanding of the determinants of health and priority disease areas;
  2. integrate fragmented health research and innovation efforts bringing together health industry sectors and other stakeholders, focussing on unmet public health needs, to enable the development of tools, data, platforms, technologies and processes for improved prediction, prevention, interception, diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases, meeting the needs of end-users;
  3. demonstrate the feasibility of people-centred, integrated health care solutions;
  4. exploit the full potential of digitalisation and data exchange in health care;
  5. enable the development of new and improved evaluation methodologies and models for a comprehensive assessment of the added value of innovative and integrated health care solutions.

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda will guide the selection of scientific and technological priorities for the annual work programmes of IHI in the next seven years.


For more information, please contact: Patrick Boisseau Director General Industry Strategic Initiatives.