Press Releases

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New medtech regulations

MedTech Europe’s Reaction to the European Commission’s Proposal for amending the IVD Regulation

Posted on 14.10.2021

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European organisations join forces to shine spotlight on cardiovascular health

Posted on 27.09.2021

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New medtech regulations

Industry survey shows an urgent, high risk to the availability of IVD medical tests once the new IVD Regulation fully applies in eight months.

Posted on 09.09.2021

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EU Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA): MedTech Europe remains highly sceptical about the added value for health systems and citizens

Posted on 01.07.2021

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Joint statement: A strategic research & innovation agenda for a healthier Europe

Posted on 21.06.2021

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EU organisations join forces to call for action to address the increasing burden of cardiovascular disease

Posted on 16.06.2021

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New medtech regulations

MedTech Europe welcomes the Medical Device Regulation’s entry into full application and urges continued work to deploy the new regulatory system

Posted on 26.05.2021

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Medical technology industry calls for an EU Action Plan for Better Cardiovascular Health

Posted on 25.05.2021

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MedTech Europe illustrates the value of medical technology in new video series, Connecting the Dots

Posted on 20.04.2021

Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, this exploratory online video series talks to the patients, doctors and innovators behind the medical technologies changing our world today.

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MedTech Europe Joins the European Diabetes Forum (EUDF)

Posted on 08.04.2021

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Access to Medical Technology

MedTech Europe calls for stronger recognition of medical technologies’ specificities in upcoming trilogue on HTA

Posted on 30.03.2021

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Transforming health research & innovation in Europe

Posted on 23.02.2021

A Joint Statement on the European Partnership for Health Innovation Proposal

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