Our Priorities Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence

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Safe, high-quality and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to assist European health systems in responding to the major challenges they face. AI can substantially improve healthcare and patient outcomes.

An impact study commissioned by MedTech Europe and written by Deloitte found that the potential impact of AI could lead to significant positive outcomes for health systems: saving 400,000 lives yearly, accounting for €200 billion in annual savings, and freeing up to 1.8 billion working hours every year — the equivalent of having half a million additional full-time healthcare professionals. 

MedTech Europe supports an AI regulatory system that: 

  • Increases the quality of patients’ outcomes and supports healthcare professionals 
  • Ensures efficiency and sustainability in healthcare systems
  • Supports timely access to safe, effective, and innovative medical technologies 
  • Promotes research & development and innovation using AI technologies in Europe 
  • Ensures the competitiveness of European medical technology companies